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How to apply a Google Map

We’ve included an easy way to add a Google map to your DNN site(s) via an HTML module:

  1. Hover over your HTML module’s Manage button and select Edit Content. Click on the HTML tab at the bottom of the HTML editor and copy/paste the following sample code into it:
  2. <iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" height="272" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";source=s_q&amp; hl=en&amp; geocode=&amp ;q=DotNetNuke+Corporation,+Bovet+Road,+San+Mateo,+CA&amp; aq=0&amp; oq=dotnetnuke+corp&amp;sll=27.698638,-83.804601&amp;sspn=17.36122,18.127441&amp; ie=UTF8&amp;hq=DotNetNuke+Corporation,+Bovet+Road,&amp; hnear=San+Mateo,+California&amp; ll=37.549936,-122.31679&amp; spn=0.028723,0.019218&amp;t=m&amp;output=embed"></iframe>
  3. <small><a href=";source=embed&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp; q=DotNetNuke+Corporation, +Bovet+Road,+San+Mateo,+CA&amp; aq=0&amp; oq=dotnetnuke+corp&amp;sll=27.698638,-83.804601&amp; sspn=17.36122,18.127441&amp; ie=UTF8&amp; hq=DotNetNuke+Corporation,+Bovet+Road,&amp; hnear=San+Mateo,+California&amp;ll=37.549936,-122.31679&amp; spn=0.028723,0.019218&amp; t=m" style="color: #0000ff; text-align: left;">View Larger Map</a></small>
Heads up! To change the Map that is displayed on the page, just add your own Google Map embed code by going to